The disguised Sith Lord caught sight of the young woman’s willingness to help her people and to reunite with the Gungan population. Chances are, Palpatine was unaware of Anakin's relationship with Padmé until they'd already fallen in love. But, the death of Darth Vader makes much more sense when we understand that the life force he was given was suddenly severed by the death of Darth Sidious. In Anakin, he has a being that’s completely consumed by the dark side at that moment: a person who just hours before killed his friends, killed children, and has nothing but hate for his “brother” Obi-Wan and his wife, whom he believes both betrayed him. But wait–none of this is part of the film! It is … 10. Though, if we examine him as a character, we shudder at the thought of him he wanting Anakin to become his greatest weapon. reader Michael Schoenfeld writes: Palpatine does not kill Padmé; Anakin does. Matching 50 Star Wars characters with each US state, 10 characters who deserve standalone films. By his own admission, Palpatine learned everything his master knew, and killed him only after he could acquire nothing more. Palpatine was at the peak of his power on this day, which explains why he wasn’t doing this sort of thing all the time. He told Anakin he could save his the mother of children but never said he would. Senator. )–stop talking about murderous broken hearts in Revenge of the Sith. Yes, exactly. Yep. He certainly sensed an advantage in their relationship once it had started, however, and exploited it to full effect. Her will to live is strong. Not only did they supply a steady stream of cash and weaponry to fund the coup, but Anakin, Ahsoka, and Kenobi were deployed to show the wannabe rebels how to kill more effectively. In Legends, Palpatine possessed the ability of Transfer Essence, a Sith exclusive ability where the power transferred the life of one person into someone else. Remember that he stowed away on Padme's spacecraft on the flight to Mustafa the lava planet. Move along. Nope. Palpatine pushes Anakin to kill Dooku. Wife. Thus, she died as he was reborn as Darth Vader. Let's be very clear: I didn't want to see Chewbacca die. – Nigralbus Dec 30 '14 at 17:00. He could prevent the extinction of the Jedi Order, the death of Padme, Mustafar, Palpatine, everything. (For the few years before the Darth Plagueis novel was made Legends, there was much more evidence that also supported this, but let’s stick with just the film for now.). I have no doubts that this is a clear, yet subtle piece of information that elaborates upon just what horrific lengths were taken to bring Darth Vader to life. Palpatine needed Padme to be dead to erase all semblance of hope and love from Anakin. He became one of Skywalker’s biggest supporters and became a close friend to the boy. Star Wars: Episode IX: Does The Rise of Skywalker need Palpatine? We need to operate quickly if we are to save the babies.”. Originally created in 1977 by George Lucas, produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by 20th Century Fox, it is currently owned by Disney since the acquisition of Lucasfilm in 2012, with Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy serving as a producer for all films released under the Disney banner.. Well, Sidious didn't actually lie to Vader; Vader did kill Padme, just not the way he thought he did. One question remains what the evil emperor achieved upon Padmé’s death. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Palpatine offers the fleet to Ren on the condition that he find and kill the galaxy's last remaining Jedi, Rey, who is revealed to be Palpatine's granddaughter. And it is just so with Darth Vader. I’m here to tell you that this theory does not hold up, and I’m going to show you why. Where is Padmé? Some form of this idea was submitted by many people. Darth Vader rises disoriented from the excruciating ordeal he has just been through. He hadn’t witnessed the close bond between Padmé and Anakin, but he would have sensed it through the Force. She was ALIVE–I FELT IT.”, The evidence is there. Her death was always part of his plan and a crucial element to turn Anakin into Vader. Was he actively controlling this vampiric life-stealing/life-giving procedure? She does not want to go. Because she is constantly advocating peace and democracy, corporatists and totalitarian rulers are often not too thrilled when Padmé proposes a new law to broker peace, or demilitarize war-torn areas. At 27, she died after giving birth to the galaxy’s future saviors, Luke and Leia. @nigralbus - It was Yoda and Ben who arranged for the fake autopsy. By Thomas Bacon Sep 16, 2020 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker explains why Palpatine wanted Luke to kill him in Return of the Jedi. The young Jedi’s loyalty now laid on him. STAR WARS EPISODE 3: REVENGE OF THE SITH SCRIPT George Lucas 1 EXT. When it came time for Naboo to choose a new Queen, Sidious realized his chance to manipulate her. . Accept Privacy Policy, To the best of my recollection, Palpatine never lies…he deceives, but never lies. Somehow, Palpatine discovered the union and used it to his advantage later in the war. When Vader asks if Padme's alright, Palpatine explains that he "killed her in his anger". It didn’t kill her. He wasn't paid by Darth Sidious to kill Amidala. I find it odd that one of the most pivotal and mysterious moments in the Star Wars saga is discussed infrequently, and when it is the case is closed. We’ve arrived at the point where we know now that the dark arts of Darth Sidious breathed life into Darth Vader through the highly unnatural and simultaneous deaths of Padmé and Anakin. Once this deciding piece of evidence is given away by the film, the rest of the details previously shown to you all fall into place. That reason is the Force! and Palpatine just laughs. Queen. You know, it was like he lost the will to live. As a patient, cunning Sith, Palpatine’s end goal was to get Anakin to his control. He knew all along that his choke didn’t kill her. This seems to fit the story to perfection. Steinrikur states in his theory, "Palpatine was playing Anakin like a fiddle the whole time, and this was a huge step in his journey towards the dark side. After careful consideration, Anakin joins Palpatine but kills Mace Windu. In a truly despicable move, Anakin physically hurts his pregnant wife because he thinks she has sided with Obi-Wan to kill him. Palpatine planted a seed of doubt in the monarch’s mind regarding Chancellor Valorum. Star Wars: How did Emperor Palpatine survive? I think Obi-Wan just didn't want to impart too much information to Luke, and remember that R2-D2 did recognize Obi-Wan. The evil Chancellor wanted the Jedi Knight on his side so he wouldn’t be seen as a hero. But we've been here before. Taken straight, Palpatine is dead at the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, transformed into dust by the might of Rey and the Jedi, while his legions of followers are caught in the blast and the Sith fleet is brought down by the Resistance.The defeat seems pretty resolute. Padme Amidala was still queen at the time. ... "I don't want extra security, I want answers. First, we can see her chest move up and down as she is unconscious on the ground. He also tells Anakin, as you quoted, “…you killed her.”. Does he really look that fragile? Palpatine is having the best day of his entire life. Darth Sidious, born Sheev Palpatine, was a Dark Lord of the Sith trained in the ways of the Force by Darth Plagueis. Did Palpatine plan Padmé’s death or did it happen naturally? For reasons we can’t explain, we’re losing her.”, DROID “We don’t know why. The brilliance of this film is making you think deeply about the nature of the Force. Clearly, what is going on with Padme in this scene has to do with the Force. The new monarch was a 14-year-old Padmé Naberrie who took the name of Amidala as her regal name. Here's why. Right? However, no concrete evidence is given to how the senator died in canon. Palpatine confronts him about it and reveals he’s a Sith Lord. This gets confirmed by Vader during his conversation with Luke in Return of the Jedi. The heartbeat stops for a moment, just too much of a moment to be considered natural. But the whole bait and switch of his death and its reversal is indicative of the bigger problems of The Rise of Skywalker . Obi-Wan goes looking for the assassin. According to their idea, Padmé’s life force got sucked from her body during childbirth and transferred to Vader. It’s the perfect way to ensure his Sith apprentice would NEVER overthrow him! This is the lynch-pin of Palpatine’s … Had Vader known, early on, what Palpatine had done, Vader would have destroyed him. The attack on Palpatine definitely pushed Anakin over the edge. So, as Anakin was dying from his wounds on Mustafar, the Emperor siphoned the Living Force from Padmé and brought it to Anakin. Build your custom DorkSide Daily email newsletter with news and analysis on Star Wars and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. Prior to the Clone Wars, at the height of the Separatist Crisis; the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Trade Federation plotted to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. Because Star Wars. What do you think? If he wasn’t killing Padmé from afar, why oh why would he be aware of her death? If he wanted to publicly marry Padme, he could've left the Order, but he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. The medical droids on Polis Massa told Obi-Wan, Senator Organa, and Yoda she’d lost the will to live, despite being healthy and they couldn’t explain why. Let’s also remember that on this day, Palpatine eradicated the Jedi and in doing so swung the Force firmly in favor of the dark side. Palpatine knew that Anakin’s feelings for Padmé would grow if they ever came into contact again. If he wanted to become a Master, he probably would've given some time, maturity, and effort, yet he didn't want to wait. Does this look like a person who does not want to live? But it didn’t kill her. The Emperor’s power was at its height, but not omniscient. Palpatine was pretty busy in the events following his duel: he picked up Anakin and rebuilt him. Your privacy is safe with us. There’s even more to consider. This is the lynch-pin of Palpatine’s whole plan, the part that would enslave Vader forever in his despair. And he puts this fallen Jedi through an excruciating procedure devoid of any relief from bacta tanks or other pain-alleviating technology. If a book gets written about Palpatine, it would be worth mentioning how Padmé died in more detail. I’m just going with the facts, here. The Rise of Palpatine: How the Emperor returned to terrorize the galaxy, The Rise of Skywalker: 5 questions on Emperor Palpatine having a family, Star Wars: 3 underrated questions we want The Rise of Skywalker to answer. Anakin’s fall becomes imminent after he has a dream of Padmé’s death. The Force did not want this to happen to the boy but it was helpless to intervene. So, as Anakin was dying from his wounds on Mustafar, the Emperor siphoned the Living Force from Padmé and brought it to Anakin. After all you know about the Emperor, do you think he would give life freely? Her father, Ruwee Naberrie, was a friend of Senator Onaconda Farr, who represented the solar system of Rodia in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. Dooku orders Padmé be assassinated and asks Jango Fett to hire someone. Polis Massans supervising the effort. Anakin confided in Palpatine. This movie and the subsequent movies also show that neither Vader or the Emperor knew anything of her location, or of the birth of Vader’s children. Any life he gives would be enthralled. For reasons we can’t explain, we’re losing her. One theory amongst fans is the what if scenario that Palpatine stole Padmé’s life force and transferred it to Anakin. VII. Related: Star Wars Explains Why Palpatine Easily Turned Ben Solo To The Dark Side. It's extremely doubtful that Padme immediately succeeded Palpatine, because according to Episode II she finished out her last term as queen. NOPE. I am making conclusions! It is the final film of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. The way those two scenes cut back and forth from one another really solidify that theory for me. It wasn’t the first time, Anakin. While I posited that Darth Sidious used the dark side to steal away her Living Force and used it to breathe life into Darth Vader, there are nuances here that are worth taking a look at. The least he could do was make it look so on paper. In this way, the death of Anakin and the birth of Darth Vader are no longer figurative terms; this was an actual procedure that took place, with Padmé being collateral damage in Sidious’ plan. But how can Palpatine affect Padmé when she’s all the way on Polis Massa? So Palpatine uses her to confront Anakin because he knows that her arrogant and tricky style is a perfect way to begin bringing out the Darkside anger in Anakin. This law allowed only two Sith, one master, and one apprentice to exist at one time. Now, it’s your turn. Anakin shows up just as Mace Windu stands over a disarmed Palpatine, even though the Jedi Master had told him to stay at the temple. Joseph Tavano is the owner and editor in chief of RetroZap. The Sith Lord anticipated exploiting the young Jedi’s feelings to get what he wanted. His agenda to get the troubled young man was underway. Unfortunately, not everyone has put them together the proper way, and that leads to a lot of differing conclusions regarding the anticlimax of the movie. Padme was innocent and wanted nothing more than to be with Anakin and help him through his shift to … In short, was Sidious presiding over a ritual of dark arts where Anakin actually killed Padmé after all? The first mystery is resolved when Obi-Wan tracks down Jango, and Jango flees to Geonosis, where he is also serving as Count Dooku's bodyguard and we are told Dooku hired Fett to kill Padme in order to secure Nute Funday (and by extension, … The film is set three years after the start of the Clone Wars; the noble Jedi Knights are spread across the galaxy leading a massive clone army against the Separatists. But, don’t take my word for it–watch the movie. There is nothing in the Star Wars canon that conflicts even remotely and plenty of evidence–by Palpatine’s own words–that support it. The only thing keeping him alive, surely, was the influx of Living Force from Padmé by way of Palpatine’s dark arts. The bounty hunter orders Zam Wesell to kill the senator with no questions asked. Padmé was taken to a secret location, hidden from the Emperor and Vader. It is because Darth Plagueis was Palpatine’s old master who can manipulate the force in extreme measures that he is able to control midi-chlorians to cheat death. It's summed up when Vader screams No! We don’t know why. Let's find out! Now that we’ve established that Padmé didn’t die of a broken heart, we have to ask the next logical question: who killed her? Like the Sith who became before him, he held faith in the Rule of Two. (FYI–don’t talk to me about his Darthness being conferred earlier in the film; this was just a title. If you want star wars trivia questions and answers printable you can download all these star war trivia questions in pdf form. If he is aware of Anakin on Mustafar, he is completely capable to affecting Padmé on Polis Massa. Palpatine was pretty busy in the events following his duel: he picked up Anakin and rebuilt him. The only time anyone mentions anything about a broken heart is when Padmé is pleading to Anakin to stop being off-the-wall crazy. Of course, I’m talking about the end of Revenge of the Sith, one of my all-time favorite films. After a few very intense seconds, he lets her go, and she collapses to the ground. See this video first! Sith Lord Darth Bane created the Rule of Two that saw the prevention of another Sith near-extinction. According to their idea, Padmé’s life force got sucked from her body during childbirth and transferred to Vader. Your favorite teams, topics, and players all on your favorite mobile devices. He was also present at the birth of Luke and Leia. In this moment for Anakin should be clear that Dark Side was wrong way to follow, that Sith way of living (in short: emotions) did not provide anything good and Jedi way (in short: reason) was better. Anakin is a perfect vessel for Palpatine to use in his attempt to cheat death and create a more perfect Sith apprentice straight from his master’s vision. Download from here: Star Wars trivia questions and answers … His master learned the secret to use the midichlorians to … Palpatine’s promise to save Padmé from death always felt empty. Of course the droids would not be able to pick this up!! With his mother dead and his friendship with Obi-Wan erased, Anakin’s life spiraled into Palpatine’s hands. It was even discussed by Steve Glosson on Geek Out Loud. When the Clone Wars begin, no one expected Anakin and Padmé to marry on Naboo. After listening to it, what was uncovered was rather shocking: Both of their heartbeats stopped roughly at the same time. She is directly cared for by medical droids, with organic(?) The film makes great efforts to show you she is CLEARLY alive. The theory from Star Wars Youtube channel Thor Skywalker suggest that the Sith master used his Dark Force power on the necklace to sicken and then kill … For ten years, Palpatine had a front-row seat as Anakin’s career as a Jedi flourished. Transfer Essence is not a power in new continuity so we can’t explain Padmé’s death in this way. I haven’t been counting, but I’ve seen this movie 500 times, and I’m still finding new things to consider. Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar, and Saesee Tiin all walked in and tried to arrest the Chancellor. Anakin did EVERYTHING for Padme, and he felt in the end she both betrayed him for Obi-Wan and that he killed her himself instead of saving her. So, why does it seem like the Living Force is being ripped away from her, stealing her life force in a vampiric manner? SDCC: What Star Wars panels will be featured at San Diego Comic-Con 2019? So, let’s consider: Palpatine seized a perfect moment to set up a situation where he can finally delve deeper into the dark side of Force and use Anakin to discover new secrets. Palpatine had also been getting in between Anakin and the Jedi Council, purposefully creating a divide. A vast sea of stars serves as the backdrop for the Main Title, followed by a rollup, which crawls into infinity. Growing up just outside of Boston, Massachusetts, he can remember substituting sticks for lightsabers and BMX bikes for speeders. VADER “Yes master. Is she safe? – Valorum Dec 30 '14 at 17:29. There isn’t enough information to conclude that Palpatine planned Senator Amidala’s death but not enough evidence to prove anything else. So, the next time you are watching Return of the Jedi, consider that Luke witnessed the same dark arts at work that killed his mother so long ago, brought Vader to life, and also took that life away. No broken hearts here. He indicated that in the sound design of Padmé’s death and Anakin’s rebirth, there was a conscious effort to work with the heartbeats of the two star-crossed lovers. I’ve heard that phrase before. What did Palpatine think lying about Padmé’s death would accomplish? With that in mind, let’s review the exact words the droid said to Obi-Wan: DROID “Medically, she’s completely healthy. Emperor Palpatine is the great villain of the Star Wars saga, an evil so great his death was necessary to restore balance in the Force itself. Of course she would be heartbroken! And I think it is pretty valid. Rey, also known as Rey Skywalker, is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise and the main protagonist of the sequel film trilogy.She was created by Lawrence Kasdan, J. J. Abrams, and Michael Arndt for The Force Awakens (2015), the first installment of the trilogy, and is portrayed by Daisy Ridley. So, if it was Anakin (the Chosen One) who was unwittingly ripping the Living Force away from Padmé, did he actually survive? However, here is another very pivotal moment. The most obvious one on this list, Anakin's jealousy, anger and (to quote Obi-Wan Kenobi) his lust for power causes him to kill the woman he's loved and adored since he was a little boy. We'll never pass along your email address to spammers, scammers, or the like. Do you really think a little electricity is enough to bring Darth Vader down? Pablo Hidalgo of Lucasfilm offered up a very interesting tidbit of information on the Rebel Force Radio Facebook page. There would be no news of it so suddenly; it had only happened seconds before he told the news to Anakin. Anakin did not kill her by cutting off her air supply for a those moments. He loves comics, retro games, vintage sci-fi paperbacks, and maps. When in reality, Obi-Wan knew about Anakin’s marriage to Padme and that they had a baby (possibly twins) on the way. I am reading into it a little bit! Let’s get one thing straight for all time: droids cannot feel the Force; droids cannot interact with the Force; droids do not understand anything about the Force unless it is programmed data provided by organics. Palpatine told him that anakin was the one who cared for padme, and Vader should not have the feelings of a Jedi. Both in New Cannon and Legends material, Darth Vader was punished on several occasions. The origins of Darth Sidious were surrounded in secrets he took to his grave more than once. With his newfound power, the secret evil doer met young Anakin Skywalker, the child who destroyed the droid command ship from the inside. Palpatine DID tell Vader that he had killed Padme. How the hell did Palpatine learn about this? Krennic is the Director of Advanced Weapons Research for the Galactic Empire.The character was introduced in the 2016 prequel novel Catalyst by James Luceno It was because of Palpatine's staged kidnap by the Separatists that Anakin was brought back to Coruscant and to Padmé. The file is only one click away. Keeping in mind that the part she played in Palpatine's plans was unwitting at best, Padmé also became an important component in trying to end the war with the Separatists. The fact that Darth Sidious was operating stealthily under their noses was arguably their biggest failure as a governing body. Ultimately the feelings of his former self are what caused him to return back to the light side, throw sidious down the shaft in the Death Star, and save Luke, his son. Powered by Minute Media © 2021 All Rights Reserved. She struggled to keep conscious and talk until the very bitter end. After the slaughter of his master, Palpatine took Maul as his student. Third, she talks to Obi-Wan once he is back on board the ship following the duel with Anakin. Indeed, the Emperor was unbelievably cunning. He is worried about this person he means to possess, and fears the worst. To ensure Padmé isn’t targeted again, the Jedi Council assigns Anakin his first assignment: to keep her safe. She’s lost the will to live. It is no mere coincidence she died at the precise time the procedure was over. – KeithS Nov 3 '11 at 18:38. add a comment | 8. Since we don’t have an answer in canon, we have to settle on ‘maybe’. However, I’m going to only point out one major distinction which I feel has changed with the relationship of Palpatine and Vader. Lava planet up! heartbeat is clearly alive babies. ” with ‘ great interest ’ Palpatine coming in his... Die–Right then–or else Vader would have destroyed him the Chancellor, it became his job to pretend he if... Kidnap by the Separatists that Anakin ’ s death in this scene has to do with Gungan! Him and he killed his old master amongst fans is the final film of the Jedi wanna'be and... Even remotely and plenty of evidence–by Palpatine ’ s a Sith Lord a little electricity is enough to bring Chosen! Go after the assassin but are too late to get the troubled man. 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